Ensuring GDPR compliance

Dataiku Administrator, Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 88 Administrator

Compliance with internal policies and external regulations around data privacy and protection has never been more important for enterprises.

One of the most important regulations in this area is the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This law aims to give EU citizens control over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment.

Data Governance

GDPR and other data privacy laws around the world have important consequences for how organizations can process data, and, in particular, how teams work with data. Broader than any specific law however is the need for data governance.

Becoming GDPR-compliant is both a matter of preparing your data and also preparing the processes for how you handle, manage, and use that data. Companies must be sure that they can provide the full lineage of their data.

Dataiku’s white paper on Executing Data Privacy-Compliant Data Projects is a great resource for learning about how to navigate these laws.

The GDPR Plugin

In order to help data teams comply with internal policies and external regulations (such as GDPR) around data privacy and protection, Dataiku provides a plugin that allows organizations to:

  • Document data sources with personal information and enforce good practices
  • Restrict access to projects and data sources with personal information
  • Audit the personal information in a Dataiku DSS instance


With the correct data governance practices in place, the GDPR plugin also provides a macro that can easily produce reports necessary to comply with these regulations.


The short videos below summarize this functionality:


What’s next?

Try out this hands-on tutorial to learn how the GDPR plugin helps manage data governance in Dataiku DSS.

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