API endpoint implementation - Read project variables

I would like to read the global variables of my project within an API endpoint implemented with a Python function.
I tried to use the REST API Dataiku to get the project variables. (DSSClient, get_project and get_variables)
Please, could you let me know if this is the right way to do it ?
If yes, which settings are required ? (I got an error of type 'No connection adapters were found ' when I use the get_variables method).
If no, what is the best way to read the project variables ?
Best Answer
I found the reason of the issue : the host reference was not specified correctly with the method DDSClient.
Now it works fine with the following statements :
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient("http://host:port","api_key")
proj_var=project_DSS.get_variables()['standard']Thanks a lot for your help
An API endpoint is completely isolated code that does not execute on DSS but on separate API nodes, and not within the context of a project. It does not natively have a concept of project, and thus not of project variables.
You can create an API client manually in your endpoint, using DSSClient(dss_host, api_key) but you will need to hardcode this dss_host and api_key in the endpoint code, which is not something you usually want.
What do you want to do more precisely?
Hello Clément,
Thanks a lot for your VERY quick reply.
We are developing a web application calling DSS API endpoints developped in Python.
Most of the functions, used in these endpoints, are setup in the project libraries initialized from a git repository shared with another team.
Due to the project context, we want to use some project variables during the endpoints execution.
I used the DSSClient with the host and a global api_key to access to the project. The issue happens when I use the 'get_variables' from the project. It seems that there is an issue to read /projects/'project_name'/variables/.
I don't understand the error message about connection adapters. Please, could you help ?