Parameters type "STRINGS"

The documentation mention the parameter type "STRINGS" which allows to give a "list of strings" to a plugin :
But a parameter configured as following doesn't work (type invalid, no field shown in UI) :
{ "name": "IDs", "label": "List of IDs", "type": "STRINGS", "description": "List of IDs identifying items", "mandatory": false },
Is there something I'm missing ? Or is it a bug / doc bug ?
Best Answer
STRINGS and MULTISELECT were implemented in Dataiku 6. Perhaps you are using an older version?
The MULTISELECT also don't work as specified ( )
Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue on my side with the provided information.
Could you provide more details to help us better understand the situation ?
For example can you share the plugin directly ? If not can you:
- provide the full JSON
- let us know the component type you are building
- a screenshot of the the settings UI where the parameter should be displayed
- the errors if any
Thanks you.
Yeah, I forgot to specify I'm doing that in a custom dataset
Oh yes, that's the point ! I have v5 ...
Oups, sorry for that