Variable expansion in descriptions, wiki or metrics

florianbriand Registered Posts: 12 ✭✭✭✭

Hi !

I've a WebApp configuring some variables on the project, and I would like to have these variables expanded in various locations, for "documentation" purpose. So I would like to have at least one of the following cases working :

- be able to see these variables in project or datasets flow description
- be able to see these variables in project metrics
- be able to see these variables in a wiki page

Do you have any idea on how to proceed, if this is possible ?

Best Answer

  • Triveni
    Triveni Dataiker, Registered Posts: 20 Dataiker
    Answer ✓

    To my knowledge variable expansion is not supported in the wikis. However, you can access and print global variables out in a Jupyter Notebook using the API. That notebook can be added to a Dashboard as tile for all users to see. There may be other ways to create a workaround though!

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