Enhance the UX for "Require authentication" attribute in the settings panel for DSS web apps

As end user I get confused when the DSS admins have set the Authentication Mode to "Require authentication for all webapps (except whitelist)" on the /admin/general/security-other/ page in DSS. This is especially confusing when I am working on a web app and I can still uncheck/check "Requires authentication," in the web app's settings panel.
Even though there is this little note that mentions it could be overridden by DSS administrators (see image below). There is no way for the end user to know if that is, in fact, the case for the DSS node that they are working on. It would be helpful if this input were just disabled all together or an alert/note appeared above letting the end user know that the authentication mode DSS admins have selected for the instance was "Require authentication for all webapps (except whitelist)." There should also be a way for the end user to know whether their web app was added to the whitelist.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,252 Neuron
"There is no way for the end user to know if that is, in fact, the case for the DSS node that they are working on"
This API call will give you what you want:
import dataiku client = dataiku.api_client() client.get_general_settings().get_raw()['webAppSecuritySettings']['requiredAuthenticationMode']
The problem is that only admin users can call that API. But if you really wanted users to be able to see this config setting you could ask your admin to create a webapp to show it in a webapp as the webapp can be set to run with an admin account. But it's probably much easier to have your admin create a scenario that creates/updates a global variable reflecting the value of this setting so any users can inspect it in code.