Dropdown list of Presets

Gonzalo Registered Posts: 3

Hello All,

I want to create a plugin connector. The plugin will have two types of presets for simplicity will be A and B.

the connector.json I implemented is this:

"params": [
"name": "preset_type",
"label": "Preset Type",
"type": "SELECT",
"selectChoices": [
"value": "A",
"label": "A"
"value": "B",
"label": "B"
"mandatory": true
"name": "A",
"label": "A Preset",
"type": "PRESET",
"parameterSetId": "a-preset",
"visibilityCondition" : "model.preset_type== 'A'"
"name": "B",
"label": "B Preset",
"type": "PRESET",
"parameterSetId": "b-preset",
"visibilityCondition" : "model.preset_type== 'B'"
} ]

There is any way to instead of create a select with the name of the preset and then just show the preset. Have just in the select object the presets and avoid have that workaround?

Many thanks in advice


  • LucOBrien
    LucOBrien Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 19 ✭✭✭

    I'm a little confused as to what you are asking.
    I think what you want is a plugin gui that gives the user two options (A and B) and then have your python code do "thing one" if user selects A and "thing two" if the user selects B. If so, then you can probably skip using the "presets" section of your json and just use the option selected in your python code.

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