Export predicted data through code

oumayma Registered Posts: 1

I need to export predicted data from visual analysis using python. I am using performance on train set as a reference for my monitoring therefore I need to automate downloading the predicted dataset to keep it up-to-date in case I retrain my model

Operating system used: Windows


  • LouisDHulst
    LouisDHulst Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Neuron, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 54 Neuron

    Hi @oumayma ,

    It sounds like you're doing continuous evaluation. Dataiku has a couple of features that help with the automation of re-training and evaluation. You should look into Model evaluation stores and Model validation and evaluation. You can also check out the Production Monitoring academy course.

    Also, as a general rule you don't want to use train set performance to monitor model performance. You usually want to set aside a evaluation set that your model has not been trained on to more closely monitor real-world performance and avoid overfitting issues. The tutorial shows how you can do this and automate your monitoring.

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