Project Folder should be capable to manage permissions for underlying projects.

Hi everyone,
I’d like to suggest an improvement for Dataiku's folder and project permission management.
I find it strange that Dataiku doesn’t inherit folder permissions into project permissions.
In case of, project folders are set up for different teams of entities - it shouldn't just be a visual organisation on the platform's home page. Alternatively, we should be able to manage the project permissions of a group of users beyond the level of an individual project.
I understand this may give users flexibility to control who sees their projects, but it creates issues for Support/Admins and in some case, we can't certify that all projects in a folder are set up for a specific group of users.
I propose adding the option to enforce folder group permissions on underlying projects. This would simplify access management while ensuring security.
Thanks for considering this suggestion.
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,301 Neuron
We do this ourselves using the Python API. Users can tag a project with a specifc tag. We ran our process every 30mins and it picks projects tagged and does the folder⇒project permissions cascade. The tag allows users to decide when they want this cascading to happen and prevents "secret" projects from being exposed to the team. But totally agree having an option that said "inherit permissions from parent folder" in the project security would be much better so this gets my vote.
Grixis PartnerApplicant, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
Ok I see, I think a lot of us end up doing these kind of functions with dataiku's python api but what about the maintainability of these enforcement/verification scripts for project permissions... I sincerely hope that this is part of a feature that's already in their backlog. My last client still can't believe that a collaborative project development platform that claims to be for ‘citizens’ doesn't even have a permission management feature for (team folders / groups folder / project folder) like a system of horizontal segmentation or segregation by the root of a directory..