Get the Index ID based on Max Value

satishkurra Registered Posts: 10 ✭✭✭

Hi Team

I'm trying to calculate the index of the maximum value from the list. Attached is the file for reference.

As an example, For 1st record, Col_5 has maximum value and I want to assign the index number

Note: This is something similar to MaxIDX function in Alteryx.

Operating system used: Windows

Best Answer

  • satishkurra
    satishkurra Registered Posts: 10 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    ABle to get what I need . Followed below

    In prepare recipe, formula as

    1. max(Col_1,Col_2,Col_3,Col_4,Col_5,Col_6,Col_7,Col_8,Col_9,Col_10,Col_11)

    Index as below

    2. arrayIndexOf([Col_1,Col_2,Col_3,Col_4,Col_5,Col_6,Col_7,Col_8,Col_9,Col_10,Col_11], Max)

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