Partial Dependency plot of a lab model

Mohammed Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 42 ✭✭✭

I am working on building a prediction model in Dataiku. I am building models in the lab, and I'm trying to build a dashboard that can compare different versions of the model in LAB.
I'm accessing different versions of the model and comparing the different aspects of the model.

I'm accessing the Lab model as follows.

import dataiku
from import PredictionModelInformationHandler
model_handler = PredictionModelInformationHandler.from_full_model_id(fmi)

Is there any way to access the partial dependence of this LAB model via API similar to the saved model as given below ?

model_test = p.get_saved_model("SAVED_MODEL_ID")
details = model_test.get_version_details("VERSION_ID")
details.details.get('iperf', {})["partialDependencies"]

Operating system used: Windows

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