set a column to Null based on a condition with DSS Formula

I have a column that I want to set to Null based on condition on another column value.
I succeeded to build the formula but did not find the keyword for Null
if(and(isNotNull(myColumn) ,myOtherColumn!= 'VALUE'), NULL, myColumn)
For the moment I put '' instead, but this is not what I want.
Thank you for your answer,
Best Answer
In a database it's indeed different. However, the prepare recipe will always write-out NULL to the database for empty cells.
The prepare recipe does not distinguish between empty string and null so '' should do what you want.
Thank you Clément for your reply.
The issue is that the column is used later in the flow in a join reciepe and then the blank '' is different from Null (Database wise)
So what is the option to distinguish the blank or Null value once extraction happening from Source database?