UI looks wrong when joining a dataset with itself

For a project I'm currently working on, I need to join a dataset with itself using different filters and computed fields each time.
=> something that would look like
FROM (SELECT computed_field_1 FROM data WHERE filter_1) AS data_1
JOIN (SELECT computed_field_2 FROM data WHERE filter_2) AS data_2
ON data_1.computed_field_1 = data_2.computed_field_2
All of this should be doable inside a join recipe using the pre-filter and pre-join computed columns capabilities.
However, it appears there's a problem in the UI: the pre-join computed columns of the rightmost table of the join cannot be selected either in the "join" or in the "selected columns" pannel.
Does anyone else face the same issue and know a workaround? (except using first a filter recipe before the join recipe or switching to a SQL recipe, as both are not suitable in my case).
Operating system used: windows
,Thanks for reporting this. It looks like there is a bug here - we will work to get it resolved as soon as possible and will keep you updated on status.