Using Jar based spark data source in Dataiku Recipe

DataikuNewUser1 Registered Posts: 2


I have a JAR file that i use as a spark datasource to read data from a url.

This is how i do it on my local

conf = SparkConf().setAll([("spark.jars", "path-to-jar/<jar_name>.jar"),])

df ="cloud.alpha.spark.providers.appobject.AppObjectTableProvider") \
.option("appName", "<name>") \
.option("appGroupName", "<name>") \
But i am unable to replicate this on Dataiku recipe. I have kept the jar in managed folder, and when i am setting the path for the jar in spark config in the recipe the error is it is unable to find the specified path to the class: cloud.alpha.spark.providers.appobject.AppObjectTableProvider.
Can someone provide some help with this.


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