Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,171 Neuron
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wrote:About branch processing methods according to conditions
How can I change the recipe I run depending on what's in my dataset? (Conditional branch in IF statement)For example, if the value of the first row of the COL1 column of dataset A is "True", the Prepare recipe will be executed, and if it is "False", the Group recipe will be executed. Masu.
Thank you.
You can use a Split recipe for this, but this is meant to split the rows of your dataset not to branch the whole input based on the value of the first row. So we would need to understand your requirement properly to help you further. Please try to post in English so that your post can be understood by everyone without having to translate it first.