Log Resource Usage Explanation

ingkafi Registered Posts: 2

I noticed that in the Python recipe log, there are resource logs as follows:

[07:55:28] [DEBUG] [dku.resource] - Process stats for pid 2770: {"pid":2770,"commandName":"/dataiku/code-envs/python/VMI-DELMAN-37/bin/python","cpuUserTimeMS":144050,"cpuSystemTimeMS":16100,"cpuChildrenUserTimeMS":0,"cpuChildrenSystemTimeMS":0,"cpuTotalMS":160150,"cpuCurrent":1.002,"vmSizeMB":22561,"vmRSSMB":17991,"vmHWMMB":17991,"vmRSSAnonMB":17924,"vmDataMB":19758,"vmSizePeakMB":22561,"vmRSSPeakMB":17991,"vmRSSTotalMBS":1539030,"majorFaults":367,"childrenMajorFaults":0}

This seems to occur repeatedly and appears to be the reason for the slow process. Can someone explain what this is, why it shows up, and what I need to know based on this log? Thanks in advance.

Operating system used: Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops



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