Creating Null Values or Replacing Specific Values with Mean

I have a rather large dataset in which missing values are filled in as -1.
I am trying to find a way to replace these -1 values with the median of the column, but because I can't see how to do it directly, I am first using a replace step to replace '-1' with '' (no value) and then imputing the no values with the median. However, the job fails after the replace step because it can't place no value in an integer column.
Is there any way to replace -1 with the median directly or a way to fill in missing values to an integer column?
Operating system used: Windows
Best Answer
I managed to circumvent the issue by using filter to clear cells that are <= -0.5. A cell that is cleared and a cell that has no value are apparently treated differently, and the cleared cell will not throw a type error. Hope this will help someone else!