Non Regression Tests in Dataiku

Oh_Lily Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 12

I was wondering if anyone can share any tips and tricks on Non Regression Tests in Dataiku?
Is there a plugin we can use of any good practices defined by Dataiku?

Thanks in advance


Operating system used: Windows



  • FlorentD
    FlorentD Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 25 Dataiker

    Hi @Oh_Lily

    From a developer perspective, I would write a Macro plugin.

    We can test the Flow modifications, by replacing the input Datasets, with “well-known” Datasets, running the Flow, verifying that the defined Metrics/Checks are still good, and replacing previously used Datasets.

    You "just" have to define which Datasets you want to observe, and which Datasets are substituted.

    If you are searching for a dedicated plugin, I am not aware of an existing one.

    Hope this helps


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