Encoding for export to sharepoint

Sunaina Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 4


I am trying to export a dataset to csv file on sharepoint folder. The data contains special characters e.g. 'å'.

But when I run the export recipe the value in csv is exported as ''BredbÃ¥nd' instead of ''Bredbånd' .

Can someone help me how to fix this.



  • JuanE
    JuanE Dataiker, Registered Posts: 45 Dataiker

    Can you clarify how exactly you are viewing the resulting CSV file? Is it in DSS, or using some other software?

    The fact that you see Ã¥ instead of å would mean that you're viewing UTF-8 encoded data as ISO-8859-1, for example. The å character is encoded with two bytes in UTF-8: 0xC3 0xA5. Those two bytes are à and ¥, respectively, in ISO-8859-1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1#Code_page_layout). Thus, it is likely that the CSV is correctly encoded with UTF-8, and whatever software you're using to view it is not correctly configured to read the data as UTF-8.

  • Sunaina
    Sunaina Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 4

    Thanks JuanE. The problem was with the sharepoint file. When I exported the file as excel instead of csv it worked.

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