Using Models Outside DSS

I built/trained/saved a model using DSS and then saved it to my local machine as pickle file. However, when I try to "unpickle" and run the model locally, I get an error saying "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataiku'". Are there any workarounds to use dataiku models outside of dataiku? I tried 'import dataikuapi as dataiku' before loading the model, but I'm missing the actual dataiku python library. I would like to be able to use the model without having to extract the internal dataiku library that comes with DSS.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Operating system used: Windows
Best Answer
gambinoga Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 3 Dataiker
Hello @ryanraasch
,Since Dataiku 11, lab models as well as saved models are now available to be exported in Python fully outside of DSS, see
Indeed, you can export the model to a zip file that can then be used to score the model in any Python code.
This scoring uses the "dataiku-scoring" open source Python package, available on pypy.
However, this export is now only available in the Enterprise license.
Thanks !Gregoire
JordanB Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 297 Dataiker
Hi @ryanraasch
,Dataiku APIs are made of two packages, "dataiku-api-client" (module name dataikuapi) and "dataiku-internal-client" (module name dataiku). The latter is not available from pypi repositories and must be downloaded from DSS itself, as indicated here:
Thank you for your response! I was trying to avoid downloading from DSS if possible.
Thank you! I thought I was using an enterprise license but apparently not. This is the sort of thing I am looking for. I appreciate your help.
That link is giving a 404. Can you provide a valid link please?
Hi Did you manage to get this working? i am also trying to use a saved model from a python endpoint API which also runs outside of DSS.