Install Oracle JDBC driver

I want to make a connection to a Oracle database, to install driver as it is mentioned here:
but there was no directory /lib/jdbc, so I created the jdbc directory and install the driver, and restarted Dataiku, the error was the same as it was't install
Connection failed: Failed to load database driver: Failed to load JDBC driver (oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver), caused by: ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Is there something else I have to do? Or the driver is not detected by Dataiku? since I did not find the directory jdbc and I created myself.
Thank you!
Best Answer
Hi @IsaacChavez
,The JAR file should be located at lib/jdbc/ojdbcX.jar within your DSS data dir (X is your Java version).
This is what the directory structure of your DSS data dir should look like:
DSS_DATA_DIR âââ bin âââ config âââ dss-version.json âââ install.ini âââ jobs âââ lib â âââ code_studio â âââ java â âââ jdbc â â âââ ojdbc8.jar â âââ projects â âââ python â âââ R â âââ user-data âââ run
If the JAR file is in the right location, please make sure that it's actually a JAR file. If you downloaded it via the command line, it might actually be an HTML file. You can verify that it's a JAR file by running the following command (be sure to change the filename):
file lib/jdbc/ojdbcX.jar
The output of the command should look like this:
lib/jdbc/ojdbcX.jar: Java archive data (JAR)
Don't forget to restart DSS after making any changes.