Setting Up R Code Environment for Use Case 5: ERR_CODEENV_UPDATE_FAILED

bkmyt Partner, Registered Posts: 9 Partner


I'm trying to set up the R coding environment for Use Case 5, i.e. I need the packages: Dplyr, GGplot2 and GGmap, Forecast, Lubridate, Purr (optional) and Tidyr.

I was able to set up a R coding environment as described in:

I tried to install to required packages via "packages to install", see image:

When clicking on "save and update", I get the Error:

"Environment update failed


/home/dataiku/dataiku-dss-5.0.3/resources/code-envs/r/ failed (exit code: 1)"

I assume that only some packages are a problem, e.g. "ggmap", probably as can be seen from the log

Last few lines of the log (unforetunately I cannot post the complete log here):

No version requested for dplyr considering installed version OK:

No version requested for ggplot2 considering installed version OK:3.1.0

Package not installed: ggmap

Package not installed: forecast

No version requested for lubridate considering installed version OK:1.7.4

Package not installed: purr

No version requested for tidyr considering installed version OK:0.8.2

No version requested for dplyr considering installed version OK:

No version requested for httr considering installed version OK:1.4.0

No version requested for gtools considering installed version OK:3.8.1

No version requested for IRkernel considering installed version OK:0.8.15

Error: at least one package failed to install required version

In addition: Warning messages:

1: In install.packages(toInstall, "/home/dataiku/dss/code-envs/R/newTestTSA/R.lib", :

installation of package ‘RgoogleMaps’ had non-zero exit status

2: In install.packages(toInstall, "/home/dataiku/dss/code-envs/R/newTestTSA/R.lib", :

installation of package ‘jpeg’ had non-zero exit status

3: In install.packages(toInstall, "/home/dataiku/dss/code-envs/R/newTestTSA/R.lib", :

installation of package ‘ggmap’ had non-zero exit status

4: In install.packages(toInstall, "/home/dataiku/dss/code-envs/R/newTestTSA/R.lib", :

installation of package ‘forecast’ had non-zero exit status

Execution halted

There seem to be some problems with dependencies (taken from log further above):

white.test html

** building package indices

** testing if installed package can be loaded

* DONE (tseries)

ERROR: dependencies ‘RgoogleMaps’, ‘png’, ‘jpeg’ are not available for package ‘ggmap’

* removing ‘/home/dataiku/dss/code-envs/R/newTestTSA/R.lib/ggmap’

ERROR: dependency ‘timeDate’ is not available for package ‘forecast’

* removing ‘/home/dataiku/dss/code-envs/R/newTestTSA/R.lib/forecast’

Best Answer

  • bkmyt
    bkmyt Partner, Registered Posts: 9 Partner
    edited July 18 Answer ✓

    I think I was able to track down the problem.

    Even though it first looked like a network issue ("can't resolve host name"), I guess it was actually something else that caused the error:

    ggmap depends on the "png" and "jpeg" package, which I was not able to install on the DSS machine ("... is not available for R 3.5.1"), I guess this caused the whole installation to fail. So for "png", i needed to install additional developer tools, in that case

    yum install libpng-devel

    (outside of R on the DSS machine) and for "jpeg" I needed

    yum install libjpeg-turbo-devel

    After these two commands, I was able to install ggmap and somehow also the other packages. Now I'm able to load all the packages in the Jupyter Notebook for R.


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