Support Your Favorite Entries to the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunners Awards

Katrina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 43 Dataiker
edited June 27 in What's New

With its September 15th deadline just around the corner, there are only a few weeks left to go until submissions close for the 2022 edition of the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards!

Since the announcement in May we’ve been receiving a wide array of use cases and success stories with Dataiku (with many already published and available to read!). The submissions will ultimately be judged by a panel made up of Dataiku executives and independent experts, with the results being announced at Everyday AI Paris on October 20th.

But did you know that you can have a hand in determining the winners and finalists as well? Continue scrolling to discover how you can get involved and show support for your favorite submissions!

Give Submissions a Big Thumbs Up

Members of the Dataiku Community can show their support in the eyes of the judges by giving a “kudos” to their favorite submissions. It’s as simple as that!


If you find yourself particularly captivated by one of this year’s use cases or success stories, you just need to click the kudos button at the top or the bottom of the page to signal your support.

You aren’t limited to a single entry, either — you can give a thumbs up to every submission that you found particularly interesting, gained insight from, or enjoyed reading.

While the number of kudos generated won’t determine the winners in and of itself, it will be taken into consideration by our panel of judges when scoring each submission. So if you’d like to see your favorites appear on the podium this fall, don’t hesitate to give them a virtual thumbs up!

2022 Dataiku Use Cases and Success Stories

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While still in the process of being collected and published, we’re already seeing an impressive variety in submissions to this year’s edition of the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. From universities to postal services, we’re delighted to see how different organizations are paving the way for Everyday AI with Dataiku.

Check out our latest submissions, or read some summaries below. Who knows — you may just be inspired to enter your own submission!

Australia Post - Leveraging ML-based Forecasting to Optimize Capacity Planning at Processing Facilities in a Large-scale Logistics Network

To address pain points regarding daily resource and staff planning decisions at the facilities within their logistics network, James Walter (@jw_ap
) and his team at Australia Post developed a shift volume forecasting algorithm in Dataiku. The resulting forecasts are relevant, actionable, accurate, and highly automated, and allow operational decisions to be made in a timely manner as required by the time-constrained daily cycle of their network operation teams.

The project is highly innovative, novel, and transformative within the organization. By bringing real-time forecasts to users at their facilities, they enable a level of real-time and data-driven decision-making that had not been possible to date.

Columbia University - Creating a Data Science Module That Fosters Upskilling and Professional Opportunities for Finance Students

Perry_Beaumont_PhD.jpgThrough his work as a lecturer at Columbia University, Dataiku Neuron Perry Beaumont (@phb2120
) encountered the challenge of sourcing real-world data in combination with enterprise platforms to help students bridge textbook learning with hands-on applications.

To fill what he perceived to be a gap in learning resources, he worked with university publisher Cognella to write a book presenting case studies in data science, with a module involving the Dataiku platform. By providing his students with these types of opportunities to analyze data, he’s helping to better prepare the next generation of professional leaders to be comfortable with using advanced tools and insights for better decision-making.

One Acre Fund - Creating a Chatbot With Limited Resources to Forecast Optimal Seeding Time in Sub-Saharan Africa

Climate change makes it more and more difficult for farmers in Africa to know when the rain will come. As a result, they may plant seeds too early and risk germination failure due to insufficient rainfall, or too late and there is insufficient water for development during the growing season.

Through their partnership with Dataiku’s “for good” initiative, Ikig.AI, @Emiel_Veersma
and his team at the One Acre Fund were able to leverage Dataiku’s AutoML features and API to develop a relevant forecast model and help connect the data and the model to a chatbot. As a result of the information being provided at the right time via the chatbot, hundreds of thousands of farmers are able to plant seeds at the optimal moment to maximize their output.

Discover the Submissions to the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards

Click the button below to read all of our latest submissions to the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. New ones will be added from now until mid-September, so be sure to regularly revisit the page to discover new use cases and success stories with Dataiku!


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