use user specific ssh keys in shell recipes
How can I use user specific ssh private keys in a shell recipe?
How can I import user secrets into a shell recipe?
Operating system used: centos
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,226 Dataiker
Hi @clayms
,1) Technically, yes, if the dss user or the impersonated user has permission to read the ssh key of other users /home/username/.ssh you can retrieve and use it in a shell recipe e.g ssh -i /path/to/name-public-key
2) No directly with bash, you can use python code to retrieve user secrets - could try and execute python from your shell recipe see example :
In the general, we recommend using Python recipes instead of shell recipes if possible. I you do need to make shell calls you can subprocess or os packages.