Importing Models from SPSS modeler to Dataiku
Partner, Registered Posts: 1 Partner
Hi gurus,
just want to know if its possible to import models from SPSS modeler to dataiku? beside PMML? is there any other simple way to import?
Operating system used: win
Matias Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 12 Dataiker
Hello @timothytok
,Just to confirm, are you talking about the IBM SPSS Modeler, right?
If so, there's a plugin available that basically will allow you to import the .sav file, so at the end Dataiku DSS can understand the data provided.
Below there's the link with the little procedure and within it, you will find the link to download the zip package depending on your DSS version: this information helps and I hope you have a nice day there!