Updating project setting (for bundle export) via rest api & python
Hi guys, I am trying to include other datasets in the project bundle when creating a bundle using RESTapi with python. I understand that I would have to use requests.get from the endpoint: http://url/projects/project_key/settings/ and updating ['bundleExporterSettings']['exportOptions']['includedDatasetsData']. This returns a list object.
Lets say that I want to include a dataset:
dataset = { 'name' : 'sample_data.csv',
'type' : "Filesystem" }
Should I append this to the list from the get call and do a put back to the same endpoint? If so, how should one include the body in a request call?
e.g.: response = requests.put(req_url, headers=auth )
Let me know if I'm not clear enough or if more information is needed.
Edit: Tried passing the appended dictionary back to the endpoint using PUT and received and error:
'message': 'Could not parse a APIProjectSettings from request body'
Is this only possible using the python client and not from requests?
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,212 Dataiker
We recommend using the Python API client rather than the rest of API for operations like this as built-in helpers like settings.save() will take of this for you.
You can find a full example here :
Is there a particular reason you need to use the REST API here?