Snowflake database is not integrated

Registered Posts: 1 ✭✭✭
I've created Dataiku account with snowflake partner connect, after creation Dataiku DSS is created instead of Snowflake Partner Connect. With Dataiku DSS, I can't load my tables back to Snowflake. How can I load those datasets back to my Snowflake database?
Operating system used: Windows 10
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,250 Dataiker
Hi @vipul_trp
,For Snowflake Partner Connect to work correctly you need to ensure that the mail address in your Snowflake account is exactly the same as the one you register with for the DSS trial. Otherwise, the snowflake connection is not created.