Deploy Specific Flow Zone With Project Bundle/Copy/Other Method To A Different Instance

kathyqingyuxu Neuron, Registered, Neuron 2022 Posts: 46 Neuron

Use Case: For example on a project sometimes there might be multiple flow zones for testing different types of models/tweaks for region specific use cases/etc. In the end we may decide to go ahead and deploy only one of the flow zones to Automation node because of a multitude of factors (performance, etc.). However, we would still like to keep the other parts of the flow available so we are able to look back if needed.

Currently: There is no way to split the flow/deploy parts of the flow within the project bundles/export options. You need to duplicate/separate/use shared objects so you will have independent projects that you can move between instances. (see: )

Benefits: It would be helpful as a function to deploy parts of the flow leveraging project bundles so that we can better track specific models/portions of the flow for deployment vs. needing to split up the project into multiple different independent projects.

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