The Dataiku Student Showcase Competition: Unleashing Student Creativity

HannahS Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 2 Dataiker

As part of our mission to bring Everyday AI to the next generation of talent, the Dataiku Academic Program launched an annual Student Showcase Competition. Our goal was to encourage students from around the world to unleash their creativity with Dataiku, showcase their work, and be recognized for their achievements.

Below are highlights from the 2021 Student Showcase Competition!


Meet the Winners of the 2021 Student Showcase

Happiness is known as positive well-being or a feeling of joy, but for our winning group of students (Iker Acha Rubalcava, Sergio Cuauhtémoc Blancas, Regina Alexia Blas Flores, and Diego Alberto Zubillaga Pérez from Tecnológico de Monterrey University, Mexico) happiness was their inspiration!

Their project, “Worldwide Happiness Determinants,” examined the factors that affect happiness levels and revealed that money, fame, and success are not the key variables associated with our well-being. They used Dataiku to analyze and explore different databases, concluding that the three factors that most impact happiness are “freedom, life expectancy, and corruption.”

“Dataiku helped us shape our analytical thinking to develop data-driven proposals, have a broader view, and better understand the situation. Through Dataiku, we were able to work with a big set of data, preparing us to face future challenges that require analytical thinking and computational power.” - 2021 Group Winners, ITESM Cuernavaca

Our second winner, in the individual category, Annette Ruiz, also came from ITESM Cuernavaca. A movie lover and subtitle translator, she used Dataiku for a project that she is truly passionate about: “Statistics in the World of Entertainment.” Using general statistics such as the highest-ranking movies of 2021, the combination of genres, the average age of writers and directors, and other exciting factors, she was able to predict which movie or TV show would receive the highest-ranking and number of votes on IMDb (Internet Movie Database). Her work can also help producers and movie critics.

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“The most exciting part of Dataiku is its powerful machine learning and visualization tools – creating graphs is extremely easy and fun!” - Annette Ruiz, Student, ITESM Cuernavaca

Thank you to all the participants of the 2021 Student Showcase Competition. We’ve been amazed by the quality of work presented, and we look forward to celebrating more of your innovations with Dataiku!

Have You Been Inspired? Participate in the 2022 Edition of the Student Showcase!


This global competition is open to learners using Dataiku at all levels, including undergraduate, graduate, and those completing continuing education programs. Students can enter their individual or group projects for a chance to win great prizes, celebrate their innovative use of Dataiku, and receive a chance to present their projects to Dataiku customers and executives, among other great benefits!

If you are working on something special, don’t hesitate to submit your project below!


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