dataset running

Partner, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 4 Partner
안녕하세요. 데이터 build 관련해서 질문이 있습니다.
튜토리얼을 따라하고 있는 과정인데, 전체 flow에서 절반의 데이터셋과 recipe 정도를 돌리고
서버를 껐다가 다음날 이어서 진행하려고 하였는데
flow는 정상적으로 있으나 가끔씩 dataset의 data들이 사라져있습니다.
서버를 껐다가 재접속 하는 경우 rebuild를 전부 해야하나요?
Best Answer
Where is your underlying data being stored? It is important to note that datasets in DSS are simply pointers to the underlying data, whether they are tables (for SQL databases) or files (for file based objects or connections), and shouldn't need to be rebuilt as long as it is accessible. Typically, you only need to rebuild your Flow if the input data has changed, you've made changes to your Flow, and/or certain datasets have been cleared.