Import codes stored in a project library in another project when running the recipe outside dataiku
How to import codes stored in a project library in another project when running the recipe outside dataiku?
I am running recipies from vscode by linking it with our design instance. In one of the recipe, we are importing a module which is in Python Libraries of another project. And my import is now failing with module not found error. How can we handle this scenario to make it run with vscode.
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,212 Dataiker
Hi @dev2
,When you say debugging recipes from vscode code libraries from other projects are not imported to your local environment.
You would need to manually copy these to your local environment. The actual path of the code libraries are listed here : , this can become quite cumbersome so it's probably easier t run recipes that depend on other libraries directly in DSS than in our local environment.