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Added on November 18, 2021 5:12AM
Likes: 1
Replies: 3
Currently when we write into Dataiku file system we only csv and avro format.
How can I enable parque format in Dataiku DSS running on linux platform on EC2 instance.
I need steps for that. Also we don't have any HDFS connection setup as well.
Hi Ankur,
To support parquet files on non-Hadoop install You will need to install hadoop integration with the standalone libraries for parquet to work. Please review: to see the restrictions related to parquet.
The steps to install:
Download the standalone libs from( if you are on a different version change the version in the URL) :
./bin/dssadmin install-hadoop-integration -standaloneArchive /PATH/TO/dataiku-dss-hadoop3-standalone-libs-generic...tar.gz
Let me know if you have any issues.
thanks for this,
what did you use as storage option? S3?
the documentation mentions:
Parquet datasets can be stored on the following cloud storage and hadoop connections: HDFS, S3, GCS, Azure Blob storagebut
I'm curious whether it can be written to local / network filesystems