Stacking two datasets and writing the result into one of the input datasets.
Registered Posts: 4 ✭✭✭✭
I have a case where I stack two datasets but the output of the stack operation is one of the input datasets. For example, I have Datasets A and B, I stack them and write the result into A. However, the output is only created by B, in other words, previous rows from dataset A are lost. Is there any solution for that without using any script, with just using stack recipe? I am able to use the same datasets as both input and output in other recipes, but in this case, the stack recipe does not seemingly work in that way.
Best Answer
Instead of a stack recipe, you can use a sync recipe from B to A and set the output on append mode: in the input/output tab of the recipe, on the A output, check "Append instead of overwrite".
Thanks a lot!