401001: Error signing in to Tableau Server
Hi all,
I am trying to load a dataset from dataiku to Tableau. First I installed the required plugin (Tableau Hyper Format) and configured it with Code Env. After that I am using using "export to folder" recipe with following configurations:
However, when I am running this recipe I am getting following error: Failed to export rows : <class 'tableauserverclient.server.endpoint.exceptions.ServerResponseError'> : 401001: Signin Error Error signing in to Tableau Server
Can you please help me resolving this error.
Best Answer
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,248 Dataiker
Can you please confirm if you included the site ID at the bottom of the Other Exports screenshot you have shared?
This should be the subpath you use to log in to tableau online.
Hi Alex. Thanks for the response. I was adding the subpath but was entering it wrong
After taking reference from Authentication-Tableau Server REST API - Tableau I could enter it correctly and its working now.
Thanks again