Extract dict from list and move to columns

UserBird Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 535 Dataiker
I have a column as such:

[{"country":"US","uid":"5419068","amount":"34389.38 ...

And would like it as so:

country | uid | amount

US | 5419068 | 34389.38


  • Clément_Stenac
    Clément_Stenac Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 753 Dataiker
    Start by using the "extract from array" processor to extract the 0th element of the array. Then use the "Unnest object" to transform object keys to columns.

    If you want each element of the array to form a new line instead of taking only the 0th, then use instead the "Fold array" processor which creates one line per element of the array
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