Map Visualization and Polylines

m_sch Registered Posts: 12 ✭✭✭✭

Hello Community,

is it possible to draw Polylines in Dataiku/Charts/Maps like in Google Maps?

Is there a plugin or the possibility to achieve that via code?

Many thanks! 


Best Answer


  • m_sch
    m_sch Registered Posts: 12 ✭✭✭✭

    Hey Community,

    Some ideas around here?


  • tgb417
    tgb417 Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Neuron 2020, Neuron, Registered, Dataiku Frontrunner Awards 2021 Finalist, Neuron 2021, Neuron 2022, Frontrunner 2022 Finalist, Frontrunner 2022 Winner, Dataiku Frontrunner Awards 2021 Participant, Frontrunner 2022 Participant, Neuron 2023 Posts: 1,617 Neuron


    I'm not aware of a way to do what you are showing with native functions in DSS's charting tools. I'm sure that you could do this type of thing using DSS Data using an R or Python recipe. You may also be able to connect a GIS tool like QGIS to Dataiku data.

    Related, I'd like to invite our NYC virtual user group meeting this month about Geo Analytics with Dataiku. We will meet virtually via zoom this Thursday, Jun 24 from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT). We will have one of Dataiku's Product Managers Clémence Bic presenting and I expect that we will have a bit of time for Q&A.

    cc: @ClemenceB

  • m_sch
    m_sch Registered Posts: 12 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @tgb417

    thanks for your input on this!

    I'm sure that you could do this type of thing using DSS Data using an R or Python recipe.

    Could you explain that a little be more? Is it possible to draw/render a chart based on a R or Python recipe? But to draw a polyline we may need another map provider?

    Related, I'd like to invite our NYC virtual user group meeting.

    That looks very interesting.

    Many thanks!

  • m_sch
    m_sch Registered Posts: 12 ✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Manuel

    many thanks for the explanation, that worked really great!

    King regards

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