Documentation for Custom provider class for S3

Huriel Registered Posts: 1 ✭✭✭


We are looking to utilize a custom provider class for S3 Credentials on the official S3 connection.

I can see from the credentials dropdown has an option for Custom credentials with an input:

  • Custom provider class: Class name of a custom DSS AWS credentials provider

Can you provide documentation on what is needed to create a custom DSS AWS credentials provider?

  • Does Dataiku expect a Java or Python class?
  • Where should this class be placed?
  • What methods do we need to implement?
  • What response are we expected to return?
  • What context details do we have access to from the custom provider class?



  • pandemite77
    pandemite77 Registered Posts: 1 ✭✭✭

    Hi Hurriel,

    I know this is a few months old... but I've just worked through this.

    To make it work you need the following:
    * Need to grab some of the dataiku jars for some dependencies: ( these are in your install directory )
    * dataiku-app-platform.jar (for the
    * dataiku-dip.jar (for the
    com.dataiku.dip.connections.EC2Connection.AWSConnectionCredentialsProvider )
    * Next create a jar with a class implementing the com.dataiku.dip.connections.EC2Connection.AWSConnectionCredentialsProvider interface.
    * Make sure to package up the jar with all the required runtime dependencies (but not the dataiku jars as they will already exist. no need to duplicate).
    * keep the Jar simple... i.e. don't include anything like springboot etc... (it will clash with the existing jars).
    * deploy the jar (with appropriate permissions) to the <dss>/lib/java folder of your installation. (This folder is already on the class path!)
    * restart dss.

    The AWSConnectionCredentialsProvider essentially has 2 important interfaces. setParams, where you can get the custom paramters setup in the connection. And a 'get' function where you convert your params into a "
    You can look these up in the dataiku-dip.jar.

    Just popluate this will the AWS acessKeyId, secretAccessKey sessiontoken and optionally the expiry time.

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