Python Recipe - Get name of current recipe, inputs, and outputs (DSS 8)

I'm trying to write a python recipe that that calls a function from an internal module but I need to be able to pass the name of the input and output table for that recipe. Since the user can specify any name for the output table I need to be able to grab it programmatically.
It seems like it's fairly easy in DSS 9 -
In DSS 8 it looks like I might need to pass the name of the current recipe to (
retrieve the names of the inputs and outputs. But it seems like the default recipe naming convention is "compute_"+output_dataset_name. So I'm back to the problem of not knowing what the recipe name is without an api call of some sort.
Best Answer
if your recipe is not partitioned, then you can get its name by taking the activity id and removing the _NP end
from dataiku.core.flow import FLOW
current_recipe_name = FLOW["currentActivityId"][:-3]