Searching the infoormation from one colomn in another

Dear all,
I faced the problem as for example I have two colomns In one I have the names and in another one - surenames but some times there is a mistake in my base. Like this:
Name Surename
Anastasiia Solomatina
Alex Roy
Marina Marina Lendma
My question is it possible to do in DataIku the formula (as in excel for example) as find me the world from colomn "name in colomn "surename"? If yoes could you please tell me how realise it?
Thank you very much in advance.
The indexOf function searches for a substring within a string, so:
Surename.indexOf(Name) == -1This will return true if "Name" can be found in "Surename" and false if "Name" cannot be found in "Surename"
See for more information