How about copying all recipes from from one project to another?

PANKAJ Partner, L2 Admin, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 26 Partner

I can copy steps from a prepare recipe from one project to another but there should be options to copy all recipes from one project to another such as join recipe and suppose I want to keep a few of my steps common for all projects, then I don't have to them every time for all projects.

what do you think?

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  • natejgardner
    natejgardner Neuron, Registered, Neuron 2022, Neuron 2023 Posts: 151 Neuron

    I think a macro function would be really nice - a super-recipe made of other recipes. If this could be saved and version controlled independently, then copied to any project with inputs and outputs replaced, it'd save a lot of time rebuilding standard workflows across projects. The mapping utility from the stack recipe could be used to replace specific column names.

  • AshleyW
    AshleyW Dataiker, Alpha Tester, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered, Product Ideas Manager Posts: 161 Dataiker

    Have you explored the 'application-as-recipe' capabilities?

    In a nutshell, they're designed to allow you to package a flow into a recipe that you can reuse in other projects. This Knowledge Base article on Applications and app-as-recipe might be an interesting read.

  • natejgardner
    natejgardner Neuron, Registered, Neuron 2022, Neuron 2023 Posts: 151 Neuron

    This is pretty close to what I was looking for! It definitely works, though ideally it could work for any portion of a flow rather than an entire project - if this could apply at the flow zone level rather than the project level for example, that'd be even better. It also may be worth promoting this feature up a little higher in the UI - this is way too useful to be hidden under a menu. In any case, I'm excited to test the current version of this feature out!

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