String with "E" interpret exponentiel

I have one colum (String) with this value '6E040', when i export dataset to excel, this value is 6000000...
Excel interpret E as exponentiel.
I tried with recipe prepare to add quote (concat('"', column, '"')), but it's not working because i have this result "6.0E40" .
Someone can help me.
Thank you
Best Answer
This formula should work for your case: concat('"', strval('column'), '"')
Thank you MarcH,
Do you have an other solution ? because i don't really want to add quotes.
Since it's Excel that is interpreting 6E040 as a number, you could also check how to get Excel to stop automatically converting your data in order to keep it as a String.
When importing data into Excel, you can prevent it from formatting it.
I suggest to have a look at the second solution here (not the accepted one) :