Strange error when loading model from tensorflow

kman88 Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭✭
edited July 16 in Using Dataiku

Hello, I am getting an error when try to load a model using tensorflow. The error is this:

Key UNet/conv2_up/batch_normalization/gamma/Adam not found in checkpoint
     [[node save/RestoreV2_154 (defined at /tmp/spark-e3d4ddb7-ea57-4a68-abe0-72d64992c3a9/userFiles-9cdaee1d-d0b7-4a56-b509-4f9c9f84b07f/

The line that gives me the error is this:

saver.restore(sess, '{0}'.format(model_path))

The model does contain Adam, and similarly I'm able to run this to completion on my laptop, which has an identical version of tensorflow. Any ideas what's going on and how to remedy this error? I have read on help forums it might have something to do with old checkpoints but I'm not sure. Any help would be great.


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