Email an attachment

I am looking to send an excel file as an attachment. With the below code though I receive an email the attachment seems to be missing, any help is appreciated, thanks.
s = MessageSender(channel_id='aaa', type='mail-scenario', configuration={"sender":"", "subject":"An attcahment"}) mailing_message= 'PFA' attachment ={ 'type': 'xlsx', 'params': {'folderId': 'PROJECT_KEY', 'attachedItemPath': 'complete_path_of_file'} } s.send(project_key="PROJECT_KEY", recipient="", message=mailing_message, attachments=[attachment])
Best Answer
In your attachment object, you seem to be wanting to send an item from a folder, so you should change the attachment "type" to "FOLDER_ITEM" instead of "xlsx".
Also, you have "PROJECT_KEY" as your "folderId", double check that you are actually putting the folder id in that field rather than the project key.
Hi, Thanks for the reply, I changed the attachment type to "FOLDER_ITEM".
What is a "folderId" and where can I find that? -
The excel file you want to attach must be in a managed folder in your DSS project. The folder id can be found in the URL when you are viewing the contents of the managed folder. For example, you should see a URL that looks like: ".../projects/[project key]/managedfolder/[folder id]/view/"