S3 connection: force path style access
Registered Posts: 57 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have seen here that we can now force style path access for s3 storage. I use minIO and I need this to access files.
The link contains this text:
S3: It is now possible to force “path-style” rather than “virtualhost-style” S3 access. This is mainly useful for “S3-compatible” storages.
But I can't find the setting to be set anywhere, does anybody have an idea how to achieve this?
Best Answer
then the checkbox is in the Advanced section of the S3 connection settings, below "HDFS interface"
as the link you pasted says, it's a new feature of the 9.0 version, so you need to upgrade your DSS when 9.0 becomes publicly available
Hello, I'm using version 9.0.0 from here: https://downloads.dataiku.com/public/studio/9.0.0/
So what do you mean by "when it becomes publicly available"?
Wow, I missed it, thank you very much ! it works