Connecting the Dataiku Neurons... in VR!

LisaB Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 208 Dataiker
edited June 27 in What's New

If you’ve been around the Dataiku Community, you might have come across one of the Dataiku Neurons. They’re our most contributive users, who volunteer their time and expertise to help fellow DSS users around the world.

We’re very grateful to have them by our side, and wanted to craft a special experience to connect them. As the current situation prevents us from meeting in person, and so many of us suffer from Zoom-fatigue, we wanted to look for a way to take the interaction to the next level. Enter: Virtual Reality!

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And so, Dataiku Insiders Days in VR was born. The event took place on February 3-5, and was attended by our 9 Dataiku Neurons, our User Advocacy team, and other special guests from around our organization and our customers!

Designed to thank them for their contributions, the event featured exclusive DSS content, including the high-level roadmap and a preview of the next release, but also smaller sessions to share knowledge on topics of interest, such as Consumable AI and MLOps & Scalable AI, as well as an exclusive exchange with Jonathan Tudor (Director of Data and Analytics at GE Aviation).

We mixed in special sessions about the future of Community, seeking to gather feedback and help us shape the future of the platform and programs, and found the recipe for a joyful mix of fun, innovation, and enriching discussions!

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But let’s hear impressions from the Neurons themselves:

- “
It was such fun to see you all in VR. I look forward to a time where we might be able to meet face to face. Thank you Dataiku team for pulling this together. This was certainly a memorable event.”

- “It was great fun - after almost a year of home working I was feeling a little burned out from digital events, but this format was so cool and new, it actually felt much closer to attending a real conference.”

- “Thank you for your invitation, and your kindness. Be sure you will have feedback about DSS and the Academy, and new suggestions

- “
I am looking forward to continuing iterating and collaborating on ideas and suggestions for Academy, Community, and DSS!”

To learn more about the Neurons and the program, head over to the dedicated Community page!


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