AWS comprehend plugin error- TextSizeLimitExceededException
Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭
We are trying to use AWS comprehend plugin, where we have setup the plugin preset as well,
When trying to use the plugin for a text dataset we are getting an error like below
(Error in Python process: At line 101: <class 'botocore.errorfactory.TextSizeLimitExceededException'>: An error occurred (TextSizeLimitExceededException) when calling the BatchDetectKeyPhrases operation: Input text size exceeds limit. Max length of request text allowed is 5000 bytes while in this request the text size is 5715 bytes)
Is there any option to increase the TextSizeLimit?
Best Answer
This error is coming from a hard limit set on the AWS API.
Can you try reducing the "Batch size" parameter in the plugin preset? The default is 10, you can reduce it to 5, or even 1 to disable batching.
Hope it helps,