January 2021 Community News

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New

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Saying goodbye to 2020

Happy New Year! Keep tabs of your Dataiku resolutions by discovering the Advanced Designer Learning Path and earning a new certification, learn about uplift modeling, check out our 2020 recap, and more below!

Start 2021 off with the new Advanced Designer Learning Path

The Dataiku Academy is excited to announce its latest learning path, Advanced Designer, focused on empowering users to create advanced data pipelines and leverage automation in Dataiku DSS.

The new learning path will take you to the next level of advanced data preparation, by enabling you to leverage advanced visual recipes to perform powerful analytic functions without code, create advanced partitions, use variables and plugins, and much more!

Learn all about the new learning path in this on-demand webinar, or discover it first-hand by signing up today!


Highlights from the Community

A Look Back at 2020

As 2020 finally comes to a close, it seems only fitting to take one last look back at the year that was, and turn to a new page.

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Event - Uplift Modeling with the NY User Group

Join us online on Tuesday, January 12th at 11:00 AM EST to learn the basics of Uplift Modeling, a set of techniques designed to directly infer the effect of an action on customers' retention, and discuss business applications!

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Event - Academy Advanced Designer Course Intro Webinar

Watch this introduction to the Advanced Designer Learning Path with Nancy Koleva and Tara Charter (Data Science Technical Writers, Dataiku),.

Watch Now

What you may have missed in the Community this month

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Community Discussions: when you have a question or want to connect with fellow users

User events catalog: to build up Dataiku & data science knowledge

Community Conundrum: putting your Dataiku skills to the test

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