November Community News

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New

Remember, remember the month of November on the Dataiku Community! See highlights below, and join one of our online events to connect live.


Introducing the Dataiku Neurons

, @ben_p
, @Marlan
… These names might sound familiar if you’ve been around the Dataiku Community

They’re our top contributors, who dedicate time and expertise to help fellow users.
We’re delighted to recognize them today with a dedicated ambassador program, the Dataiku Neurons!


Upcoming Online Event(s)


Second to none for the Chicago User Group

We're launching a Dataiku User Group in the Chicago area to connect local users, starting with a first virtual event on Monday, November 30th at 12:00 PM CST!

Join us to learn from @rmoore
(VP AI Solutions, Excelion Partners) on how to convert a typical Dataiku project into a reusable Application that can be utilized throughout the enterprise.


Highlights from the Community

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