Multi output random forest regression

Hi All,
is it possible to create a multi output random forest regression using a visual analysis ? AFAIK you only can select one feature at a time to be predicted.
I don't know if subpopulation analysis is the way to go here or it must be done via code recipe.
I will reformulate the question
. Having a dataset with the following shape:
- Training X_train : (33873, 17) y y_train :(33873, 15) - Validation_1 X_test : (14517, 17) y y_test : (14517, 15) - Validation_2 X_test2 : (145973, 17) y y_test2 : (145973, 15)
So, let's going to predict 15 values using random forest regressor. is it possible to do that using visual analysis ?
You are correct, it is not possible to build a multi output model using a visual analysis. You can however create a custom model.
To do this in DSS:
Multi Output RF Model (may be helpful?):
N Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 3 ✭✭✭
What datatype should the target be in this case? I don't see how to do this with custom model becasue the target output has to be numeric. It does not support numpy.ndarray or python list.