An application to create model predictions

Hi everyone,
I just upgraded to version 8 and started playing around with applications. I have a project which reads in customer data every day and outputs a prediction for each individual, I would like to deploy an app where a user can come along and enter customer details in a form, then see a prediction generated from the model in real-time.
I feel like this is a pretty standard use case for applications, but I'm a but lost on where to start (I have read through the docs). Are there any walk through examples to achieve something like this?
Hi @ben_p
Have you check the tiles section for the different elements that someone can configure?
Good luck!
Probably project variables, assuming you're using those variables to customize your flow.
I have the same issues. I manages to get a flow to run with parameters as project variables, to define the UI of the app with the auto-generated controls, but then I am at loss linking the two.
get_recipe_config() won't work in a scenario step and I don't know how else to access them.