Translating column Russian to English with Textblob using Python Dataiku Recipe
Hi There, I am trying to make use of the Textblob package within a Dataiku recipe. More specifically I'm trying to create a python recipe which translates a column "Description" from Russian to English using this package. I'm basing myself on the script which I found here in the context of a Kaggle competition:…
Language Translation
Are you aware of a step we could add to our visual prep script to translate languages?
Sentence embedding plugin error on run
Hi, i used the sentence embedding plugin on Dataiku plugin store to perform elmo embedding but ended up with following error. Would like some idea why? No recorded image tag for env PYTHON plugin_sentence-embedding_managed version=null. Maybe you need to build docker image. The project is running off a base image. Thank…
Error using vectorization on N-grams to perform NLP
I have a column where every entry is a user problem that I would like to analyse with NLP Machine learning. I keep getting this error: Failed to train : <type 'exceptions.IOError'> : [Errno 2] No such file or directory:…
Custom stopwords
Dear all, I would like to add Custom stop words for text variable. If I export the model into a DSS notebook i can't see the code related to the removal of stopwords as well. Maybe I'm wrong? Any suggestions/instructions would be really appreciated. Cris
SpeechToText with Spanish language
I used Speech to text plugin but only works in English.
Normalize text without lowercase
The "Simplify text" processor (and a handful of others) have a "Normalize text" option that "transforms to lowercase, removes accents and performs Unicode normalization (Café -> cafe)." Anyone figure out a way to remove accents and perform unicode normalization but not change the case? Café -> Cafe
Is it possible to make calls to OpenRefine Server from DSS?
Hi, Is it possible to make calls to DSS's Open Refine Server. We want to make connection to Open Refine server that DSS is already using, in "Python Recipe" instead of "Prepare Recipe" Please let us know how we can do it. Waiting for your kind response. Regards, Samriddhi
What regex expression do I use to remove leading zeros in dataiku?